Drone Records
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Album Format Label & Cat. Number Description Year Price (incl. 19% VAT)  
Isolation CD www.darkambient.net cardboard-cover, contains 12 min. Videotrack 2003 €13.50
1953 CD Spectre Records NAUTILUS NA08 large cardboard gatefold-cover 2004 €13.00
Inspiration CD Ant-Zen act224   2008 €12.00
Solitaire CD Raubbau RAUB-008 7th album for the dutch drone-project; thematically based around "memory", more melancholic & refined as before, their best album yet !! "Solitaire's threatening and oppressive mood will leave you in a state and in a place where you haven't been before. A new reality which is more then the sum of its parts.." - back in stock, special priced 2009 €6.00
Field of View CD Ant-Zen act282 the latest album by the dutch "experimental drone" project comes as a surprise, incorporating female singing & spoken voice & slow minimal rhythmic elements with the typical atmospheric drones... 2012 €13.50
Innovation CD Raubbau RAUB-069 the project of MARTIJN PIECK (who is also active as WOODBENDER), and BAUKE VAN DER WAL from Utrecht, NL, working together now for about 25 years, tried to find new pathways with their 'extreme drone-minimalist' project, "Innovation" sounds indeed more raw and is covered with more atmospheric noise as before, when you get the impression of following breathing machines.. you haven't heard them ever so 'archaic' and mind-dissolving.. 7 tracks, 56+ min. 2018 €13.00
Tess mCD-R Taalem alm 141 a stunning 20min. drone one-tracker from the [LAW RAH], starting soft as cotton wool, warm and lonely, developing into something more loopy and enriched with subtle object recordings adding somehow 'metallic' nature... a very immersive piece, excellent and not to be missed !! // NEW ED. WITHOUT JEWEL-CASE! 2021 €5.00
Introspection CD Raubbau RAUB 093 three long atmospheric tracks. very refined, 2023 €13.00