Drone Records
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FEAR FALLS BURNING - When Mystery prevades the Well, the Promise sets Fire

Format: LP
Label & Cat.Number: Tonefloat TF38
Release Year: 2007
Note: sublime drones based on guitar sounds, this release marked a change in the style of the post VIDNA OBMANA project.. - "Glacier like music in which it seems that the effects have a bigger role than the guitar. It's quite hard to recognize the guitar in this music, with moves in a minimal way. More Eno)) than Sunno)) I'd say* [Vital Weekly9 - deluxe edition gatefold-cover, 180 gr. vinyl, ed. of 500 copies on black vinyl; LAST COPIES - SPECILA OFFER !
Price (incl. 19% VAT): €10.00

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deluxe edition (gatefold-cover, 180 gr. vinyl), ed. of 500 copies on black vinyl

Stilwechsel für das beliebte Guitar-Drone Projekt: WHEN MYSTERY PREVADES.. droned weniger dunkel und verzerrt, eher oberton-tänzelnd, verschwimmend, mysteriös....

"Mystisch wirken die Dronen auf "When Mystery Prevades The Well, The Promise Sets Fire" allemal. Zart, sanft und trotzdem mit einer Macht, der man sich nicht entziehen kann, lullen die Dronen den Hörer ein, umgarnen ihn, wollen ihn holen und einspinnen. Subtile Percussion-Variationen heben die beiden langen Stücke aus dem Drone-Einerlei heraus und machen diese Platte zu einem eher einzigartigen Hörerlebnis. Ist das Tor auf dem Cover noch verschlossen, so öffnet es sich dem Hörer zunehmend und zieht ihn unaufhörlich weiter in einen verwunschenen Garten, in dem es aus allen Ecken und Enden flimmert und schimmert. Fragile Hintergrund-Gitarren und helle Percussion, vordergründig mehr ein durchgängiges Dröhnen und brummen. Rein technisch gesehen sind einerseits auf "When Mystery Prevades The Well, The Promise Sets Fire" neue FFB Dronen enthalten, und andererseits hat FFB Kopf Dir Serries die Herangehensweise an sein Schaffen etwas neu konzipiert und strukturiert. So bringen die genannten Hintergrunddetails (Percussion) eine neue Dimension in das musikalische Oeuvre von FFB ein. Es entstehen weitere Dimensionen und deutlich mehr Vielschichtigkeit, auf subtiler Ebene. Beide Stücke sind harmonisch und kraftvoll und begeistern mich einmal mehr." [Creative-Eclipse]

"... with its highlight being the full-length studio album 'frenzy of the absolute' for the belgian conspiracy records, scheduled for release in 2008, this exclusive vinyl for tonefloat is the initiation of a change in method and playing for fear falls burning. not only has he turned around his studio in order to accommodate the new performances but the subtle incorporation of new elements will bring out an extra dimension in the vintage fear falls burning drone. this lp features two pieces, one per side, that are equally harmonic as powerful. fear falls burning's approach to playing the guitar chords changed, the production is different and the inclusion of guest musician dave vanderplas on subtle cymbal percussion marks this new tonefloat release as the first gentle step in fear falls burning's further exploration of the drone. when mystery prevades the well, the promise sets fire (tf38) is out now and can be ordered from our store." [label info]

"'When Mystery Prevades Well, The Promise Sets Fire' is a beautiful gate-fold sleeve LP with two pieces, one per side. Glacier like music in which it seems that the effects have a bigger role than the guitar. It's quite hard to recognize the guitar in this music, with moves in a minimal way. More Eno)) than Sunno)) I'd say, although there is a creepy undercurrent in Fear Falls Burning's music. This record sees Dirk moving away from the signature sound from before: the endless crescendo wall of sound building up, suddenly collapsing and stays more on the ambient side of things. Maybe a bit more Vidna Obmana than Fear Falls Burning - but I'm sure that would not be his intention. Very nice!" [FdW / Vital Weekly]


deluxe edition (gatefold-cover, 180 gr. vinyl), ed. of 500 copies on black vinyl