Drone Records
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Format: CD
Label & Cat.Number: ReR Megacorp ReR LW1
Release Year: 2002
Note: "Aufnahmen für die Installation names PICTURE POWDERHORN dieses Klangkünstlers, welche die Sounds in und um Getreide-Silos zum Fokus hat => rauhe industrielle Maschinen-Klänge sind hier ebenso präsent wie field recordings von Latino-Tanzmusik, Kinderliedern, alte Fiedel-Melodien und vokales Material... ein obskures und fast schon Hörspiel-artiges "musique concrete"- Porträit des post-industriellen mittleren Westen der USA...versetzt einen an andere Orte und Zeiten! " [Drone Rec. info] - BACK IN
Price (incl. 19% VAT): €14.00

More Info

“Lauren Weinger's album Silo is drawn from the soundtrack of a large-scale installation project, Picture Powderhorn, which was 1st performed around the grain silos in Minneapolis, in August of 2000. Featuring aerialists covered in mics and recorders ascending and descending the conical towers, historically resonant fiddle solos, sounds of children's songs, all interspersed with Latin dance music. Also included is the voice of the silo manager recounting the intricacies of making bread as the haunting echoes of rolling stock reverberate throughout the building. A provocative slice of musique concrete, a textured narrative that explores the form of the post-industrial Midwest." [ReR]
