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ELLENDE - Plantation

Format: 10inch
Label & Cat.Number: Smeerlappen - 007
Release Year: 2024
Note: warm & ethereal synth ambience that holds an almost surrealistic melancholy inside.. this is the third part in a trilogy, dealing with ELLENDEs past in Cape Town, South Africa, in the 1970's.. - the Plantation was their studio which got destroyed by a fire.. lim. 100 copies
Price (incl. 19% VAT): €15.00

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The Plantation is the third part of a trilogy of which Ellende’s previous releases, the double 10” album Odyssey, A Sentimental Journey from 2019 was part one and Unintentional Consequences was the second part.

This release by Ellende closes off a trilogy, a musical story about Ellende’s past set in the 1970’s. A past which in the mind of those who lived it, is heavily coloured by the emotions of remembering it. The Plantation was Ellende’s Cape Town self-made studio, built in a former pool house, and a decade or so later destroyed by fire as the result of a shoddy self-construction. The naming of the studio stems from an experience while arriving at Cape Town airport but it also refers, in a wider sense of the word, to the meaning of a home in forming the characters of those living in it. The home is a mirror, not only towards those that view it from its exterior, but as a reflection of their inhabitants. A home is a reflection of a combined existence that shapes each and one of us. A home not only protects against the elements, or against (real or imagined) dangers, a home retains possession of the memories of the moments lived within it. The Plantation and the various buildings that formed the house around it might be gone but in our minds, like anyone’s childhood home it lives on in our dreams and in our memories. I forgot what I ate the day before yesterday, I forgot the movies I watched on the 11 hour flight from Cape Town to Amsterdam but I remember the printed wallpaper of that room and the bookshelf on which the boardgames were stored in that wonderful home in which our childhood was played out in.
Limited edition album, 100 hand-numbered copies. Comes with a down-load code.
Smeerlap 007