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Format: CD Label & Cat.Number: Art Into Life - AIL 028 Release Year: 2023 Note: unreleased one-hour piece composed by ANNE GILLIS, PAUL ABBOTT and SEYMOUR WRIGHT (aka XT) in 2021 for an Cafe Oto radio broadcast - 'The trio’s concept for “Our/s Bouture(s)” is to ‘plant’ sounds and movements, which will grow and evolve through broadcasting, and what you will hear is not a 'performance' but a one-hour journey of organic sonic sound structure.* - lim. 200 copies, Japan import Price (incl. 19% VAT): €16.00 Warning: Currently we do not have this album in stock!
More InfoAnne Gillis (Paris) is a composer and performer since the eighties, Paul Abbott (Antwerp ) is a musician, drummer, writer, and Seymour Wright (London) is a saxophonist and writer. In 2021, during Covid restrictions, the trio of Anne Gillis and XT (Paul Abbott and Seymour Wright) developed a piece remotely together for Café Oto online radio broadcast program. A one-hour piece titled “Our/s Bouture(s)” was ‘broadcast’ on 1 June 2021 to online audinece, and we present a complete program with careful CD mastering by Giuseppe Ielasi. The trio’s concept for “Our/s Bouture(s)” is to ‘plant’ sounds and movements, which will grow and evolve through broadcasting, and what you will hear is not a 'performance' but a one-hour journey of organic sonic sound structure.フランスはパリを拠点に80年初頭より音楽家・パフォーマーとして活動を続けているManon Anne Gillis。ブリュッセルにて即興ピアニスト/ドラマーとして演奏活動を行なってきたPaul Abbott、サクソフォニスト、またライターとして執筆活動も行うSeymour Wrightのデュオユニット"XT"と共にリモートで完成させた2021年の共同録音。ロンドンの実験音楽ライブハウス"Cafe OTO"のウェブ・ライブ放送の為に用意された作品であり、2021年6月1日にノンストップでブロードキャストされた音源。放送を通して録音自体を成長させるという主旨のもと、演奏というスタイルではなく緻密なサウンドの構築に拘り抜いた1時間の記録。 Mastered by Giuseppe Ielasi.Limited to 200 copies. |
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