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TOMKINS, KEVIN - Her Favourite Distance Was That Between A Cough...

Format: CD
Label & Cat.Number: Klanggalerie gg459
Release Year: 2023
Note: the SUTCLIFFE JUGEND member shows his passion for experimental, mechanized object sounds and loops, he uses the sound of an "Autoharp" (American zither), it's wood crunching and metallic rubbing and humming, to create this symphony of structured noises and tones... - this is a edited from three previously issued CDrs for a performance in Vienna at Klanggalerie in 2023 !!
Price (incl. 19% VAT): €15.00
Warning: Currently we do not have this album in stock!

More Info

"Kevin Tomkins is best known for his work in Whitehouse and his own group Sutcliffe Jugend, now called Sutcliffe No More. He also worked with Bodychoke, Inertia, and Patient K. Most of his music has its background in the power electronics scene that evolved in Great Britain around the label Come Organisation and the group Whitehouse. Power electronics is a style of noise music that typically consists of static, screeching waves of feedback, analogue synthesizers making sub-bass pulses or high frequency squealing sounds; with screamed and distorted vocals. The genre is noted for its influence from industrial. It is generally atonal, like most noise music and also features a lack of conventional melodies or rhythms. To match its sonic excess, power electronics relies heavily upon extreme thematic and visual content: whether in lyrics, album art, or live performance actions. For his solo work, Kevin sometimes uses a very different style to his group work. An autoharp or chord zither is a string instrument belonging to the zither family. It uses a series of bars individually configured to mute all strings other than those needed for the intended chord. In summer 2023, Kevin played a rare solo show in Vienna at Klanggalerie's 30th birthday bash. It was based on his autoharp album using that very instrument plus voice and an arrangement of gimmicks and tools. A week later, he created an album based on the performance and his time in Vienna."

Dokument eines der sehr raren Liveauftritte von Whitehouse- und Sutcliffe Jugend-Mastermind Kevin Tomkins (2023, 30 Jahre Klanggalerie Festival Wien) als CD im Digipack auf Klanggalerie. Am bekanntesten durch seine Arbeit mit der Power Electronics-Legende
Whitehouse oder mit Sutcliffe Jugend, steht Kevin Tomkins vor allem für atonale und schroffe Musik, die durch pulsierende Analogsynthesizer rhythmisiert wird - extrem bis hin zu den visuellen Aspekten wie Artworks
oder Bühnenshow. Doch mit seinen Soloprojekten folgt der Brite schon lange einem freiern und avantgardistischen Ansatz. Mit seinem aktuellen Studiowerk "Music For An Unprepared Autoharp" widmete sich Tomkins der
obskuren Kastenzither Autoharp, auf der sich per Tastatur ganze Akkorde bilden lassen. Genau wie auf dem Album entlockte er beim Wiener Auftritt zum 30. Geburtstag seines Labels dem Instrument mit unkonventioneller Spielweise Drones, Melodien und Obertöne. Seine Stimme du weitere Hilfsmittel und Effekte ergänzten die Aufführung. Aus deren Audiomitschnitt und Eindrücken seines Aufenthalts in Wien entstanden die hier vorliegenden
experimentell-ambientesken fünf Tracks.