Drone Records
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MOLJEBKA PVLSE - Topography of Frequency and Time

Format: CD
Label & Cat.Number: Drone Records SYM:06
Release Year: 2024
Note: the Swedish ambient experimental and electro-acoustic "multidimensional drone"project with the sixth release in our new CD series, applying the concept of TOPOGRAPHY to sounds and time, which can be interpretated "geographically" like a landscape in a similar way.. - "an expedition through expansive sonic landscapes that stretch beyond our daily awareness...an open invitation to transcend the visual confines of physical space, encouraging a deep dive into the unexplored realms.." - lim. 250 copies --- excerpt: https://soundcloud.com/drone-records/moljebkapvlse-topographyoffrequencyandtime-excerpt
Price (incl. 19% VAT): €13.00

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The term "Topography" means the study of the forms and features of land surfaces., the physical appearance of natural attributes in a certain area... MATHIAS JOSEFSON aka MOLJEBKA PVLSE has adopted this notion to characterize this long form multiple-layer drone ambient expanse, a continuous flow of sound that can lead you into different aural regions...like the recent "Sacrificed Phloem (Zannec Line)" by LOPEZ/MENCHE (SYM:04) this one-tracker (exactly 70 minutes long) guides through you various stages.. after a massive beginning there's a very mellow / harmonic middle part, the aural topography of sound changes again towards the ending...a continuous "transfer" into non-ordinary states of mood & consciousness...
Mathias Josefson shares his thoughts on the album: " 'Topography of Frequency and Time' is an expedition through expansive sonic landscapes that stretch beyond our daily awareness. It serves as an open invitation to transcend the visual confines of physical space, encouraging a deep dive into the unexplored realms of sound and time. This album seeks to chart the uncharted territories of our auditory experience, intricately mapping the intersections of three-dimensional space within the frequency and time domains."
MOLJEKBA PVLSE, based in Stockholm and Hamburg, has accompanied Drone Records for a long time, with releases on 7" and 10" vinyl. Active since 1999, the project has evolved from more minimal droning soundscapes on to complex multi-layered atmospheric conglomerations of acoustic and electronic sounds, field recordings and found sounds, feat. various guest musicians.

listen to an extract from the album:


"Mathias Josefson aka MOLJEBKA PVLSE versucht mit Topography of Frequency and Time (SYM:06) das Bewusstsein über bloßes 3D hinaus in die Dimensionen des Klanges und der Zeit mitzunehmen. Mit seiner Covercollage bietet er dazu eine womöglich schwedische Seen-Landschaft und ein Fiedeltrio aus vergangenen Tagen für die ersten Schritte in un­explored realms, die dahinter warten, uncharted territories,in denen die Imagination schweifen kann. Mit schimmerndem Tönen wie von Klangschalen, gestrichenen Metall­kanten und Glasharmonikas breitet der Schwede vor dem dritten Auge sonor dröhnende Gefilde aus, mit zugleich geschliffenen Facetten, einem elysisch vokalisierten Aaa. Doch das schwillt an mit erhaben morphendem Beben, Grollen und Wummern, orchestriert mit melancholischen Streichern, klagendem Sang, über zeitvergessene 70 Minuten. Zum Raum wird hier die Zeit, als düster getürmte Gralsburgruine, verlassenes Golgotha, weit entfernt von der gezeigten Landschaft, nach der allerdings von oben eine riesige Hand greift. Der Raum wirft Blasen und mit diskantem Anschliff und Kontrabass als eiserner Lunge wirft die Zeit elegische und katastrophisch wummernde Wellen." [BA 123 rbd]