Drone Records
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Format: CD
Label & Cat.Number: Art Into Life 026
Release Year: 2021
Note: the legendary French experimental / post industrial / un-categorizable artist with first album after 27 years, and it sounds incredible: hard to define electronic sounds and pulses, her voice shines through somehow, clinical sinus tones sounds in patterns.. strange hums and creaks, etheral choirs from another dimension, ancient beat box sounds, a French voice from somewhere, background static.. - lm. 200, each cover different (unique handcrafted paper jacket)
Price (incl. 19% VAT): €18.50

More Info

French musician & performance artist Manon Anne Gillis came to Japan to perform in 2016 following the 2015 release of the 5-CD archive box set from Art Into Life, which was a compilation of earlier recordings. Now at last, for the first time in 27 years since 1994’s “Euragine” in CD format, her long-awaited 7th solo album is completed. As she still continues to progress and evolve musically, this work is constructed primarily around primitive hiss noise and error sounds. Here she has woven a musical tapestry that is more blurred, obscured, and noise-oriented than her earlier work. With the strong cohesiveness of her disquieting singing voice in a thunderous roar bellowing from the inner depths, the repetition of the dense glitch sounds, and the nostalgic concept of the obscure rhythm track (track 5) will remind us of her days when she went by the alias Devil’s Picnic.

2015年にArt Into Lifeより過去の音源を総括した5CDアーカイヴボックスをリリースし、翌2016年には来日公演も果たしたフランスの女性音楽家/パフォーマーManon Anne Gillis。1994年にCDフォーマットで発表した[Euragine]以来27年振りとなる、待望の7thソロアルバムが遂に完成。プリミティブなヒスノイズやエラー音を主軸とした構造は、過去のどの作品よりも不明瞭かつノイジーであり、今尚進化を続ける彼女の音楽性が様々な様相で紡ぎ出される。粘着度の強い轟音の奥底から響く不穏な歌声、高濃密なグリッチサウンドの反復、そして初期の変名Devil's Picnicを思わせるオブスキュアなリズムトラック(Track.5)では原点回帰なコンセプトも確認出来る。 

Mastered by Takumi Akaishi who was Anne’s supporting act for her 2016 performance in Japan.

