Drone Records
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AQUARIUS, RENE - Woodland Sigil

Format: CD
Label & Cat.Number: Unfathomless U58
Release Year: 2019
Note: captivating processed field recordings from the heart of Sweden, made in forests and at ancient places (viking graves, etc.) by the member of DEAD NEANDERTHALS... "A sensation of remote-ness is pervasive, while the subdued roar into the unknown is a catalyst for the imagination. A definitive collection of the elements, and the creatures inhabiting their realm..." [Toneshift]
Price (incl. 19% VAT): €14.00

More Info

During the summer of 2017 my girlfriend and I drove through the heart of Sweden. For the first time ever on a holiday, I took my hand-held recorder with me to record some of the sounds Sweden had to offer.
In the course of 2 weeks we saw many beautiful vistas, viking graves and ancient woods and it’s no surprise that I made a lot of recordings at those most beautiful locations.
For nearly a year, these recordings were collecting digital dust on my hard drive. I just listened to them every now and then until May 2018, when I suddenly got the idea to ‘enhance’ the original recordings in such a way that it would be difficult to tell where the field recordings stop and the ‘enhancements’ start…


Tree stumps and bones in the ground are silent witnesses to years filled with droughts, erosion and fire. Currently though, the mossy bedding of the forest floor is soft and the woodland is flourishing and filled with animals. Birds burst into prayer and the rain slowly transforms into small streams that exude from the trees and lead right to the shore, where the woods start. Deep within them, invisible horns seem to resonate in the wind. But the woodland is so vast and dense that it remains impossible to pinpoint their exact location.

(René Aquarius, February-May 2019)
released June 28, 2019

LOCATIONS : various places in Småland, Sweden

Recorded and edited by René Aquarius summer 2017 - summer 2018.
Mixed and mastered by Marlon Wolterink, White Noise Studio, Winterswijk.
