Drone Records
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Format: do-CD
Label & Cat.Number: Old Captain Records OCCD50 / Mertvi Bdzholy – MBCD002
Release Year: 2019
Note: Ukraine's IN MEDITARIVM was the project of SERGEY SVISTELNIK, who died in January 2018, and OLEGH KOLYADA (FIRST HUMAN FERRO, etc.); in 2005 they released a wonderful 7" EP on Drone Records (DR-75); this is now the remastered re-issue of the two albums "Les Fleurs Du Mal" (Soulworm 2002) and "Uterus" (OMS Rec. 2004), with three exlusive bonus tracks, a great last statement of their "Esoteric / industrialized / martial mother-womb drones" Muzak; lim. 500, special price
Price (incl. 19% VAT): €13.00

More Info

Composed and recorded by Olegh Kolyada and Sergey Svistelnik in 2000 - 2001. Additional mastering by Olegh Kolyada in 2015/2019.
Female vocals by Ooteka.
Photos by Svetlana Kazmerika, taken in summer 2003, Zhytomyr.
Design by Mauro Berchi.

A compilation of the two official early albums of the project "Les Fleurs Du Mal" and "Uterus" with three exclusive tracks recorded during the same period.
In memory of Sergey Svistelnik († 2nd January, 2018).
