Drone Records
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Format: CD
Label & Cat.Number: Unfathomless U56
Release Year: 2019
Note: fascinating outdoor recordings of specific sites in Newcastle upon Tyne and Melmerby (North Yorkshire), where the sounds of nature and the elements (water streaming, rain, stone rustling, creaking), but also the movements of the recording artist and objects interact...you get the impression these sounds are really organic, breathing, living; "a powerful meditation on how we treat nature, and how it might treat us in return." [NARC] - 150 numb. copies w. luxurious cardboard cover & inlay
Price (incl. 19% VAT): €14.00

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We continue to expand our urban environments without thought for consequence. Cities expand and consume green belt, while all the time the center rots away as inner cities decay.
Location One – 10 years ago I walked through crops, wildlife, fragile footbridges and small brooks. Today the space is occupied by sprawling residential estates, roads, pylons, business parks. These places have taken away a natural space forever? No. These environments are temporary residence, history demonstrates that nature has the ability to reclaim its space and return structure to dust.
Location Two – Abandoned farm buildings are currently being dismantled brick by brick by no mechanical means but by nature alone, slowly being dragged back to ground to be consumed by the power of the natural environment.

(Kevin Wilkinson, 31 January 2019)
