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HENRIKSEN, ARVE - The Nature of Connections

Format: LP + CD
Label & Cat.Number: Rune Grammofon RLP 3161
Release Year: 2014
Note: remarkable album by the Norwegian trumpeter and singer, combining subtle Jazz with Nordik Folk and Contemporary Chamber Music in an elegant, highly emotive / melodic way... recorded with four different string-players (2 x violin, viola, cello), many of the pieces were composed by his collaborators... the vinyl version comes with CD copy of the same album included
Price (incl. 19% VAT): €25.00

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"The Nature Of Connections" almost entirely features pieces composed by Arve’s collaborators. Recorded in the sparkling acoustic of Oslo’s legendary Rainbow Studio by Jan Erik Kongshaug, it’s an album with closer ties to Nordic folk and contemporary, minimalist chamber music than any of Arve’s previous releases. At the same time it features some of the most melodic and seductive music he has recorded. The trumpeter had planned to make an album with a string quartet for many years but never quite found the right formula. Finally, a special commissioned tour brought him together with violinists Nils Økland and Gjermund Larsen, cellist Svante Henryson and double bassist Mats Eilertsen, all of whom now appear as the central planks in "The Nature Of Connections". Another welcome guest is drummer Audun Kleive, veteran of Norwegian jazz ensembles including Oslo 13, JøKleBa!, Generator X, Terje Rypdal and Jon Balke.

Seit 2001 hat er eine Reihe von exquisite Soloaufnahmen aufgenommen, die elektronische Texturen, Holzbläser, ethnische Instrumente, Percussion, Keyboards und seine traurige, sehnsuchtsvolle Stimme vereinen. Die Musik von ARVE HENRIKSEN zeigt gleichzeitig die atemberaubende Schönheit der unberührten Natur und die sich stetig verändernde kosmopolitische Umwelt des postmodernen Reisenden. ,The Nature Of Connections" ist das neueste Glied in einer sich stetig weiterentwickelnden Kette. Dies ist sein erstes akustisches Album, das sich um vier großartige Streicher rankt und mit einigen seiner wärmsten und organischsten Tracks aufwartet. Aufgenommen mit Jan Erik Kongshaug in der kristallklaren Akustik des legendären Rainbow Studios in Stockholm ist ,The Nature Of Connections" Jazz mit einer engen Verbindung zur nordischen Folklore und der zeitgenössischen minimalistischen Kammermusik. Arve Henriksen - trumpet, piccolo trumpet, piano, Nils Okland - violin, Hardanger fiddle, viola d'amore, Svante Henryson - cello, Gjermund Larsen - violin, Hardanger fiddle, Mats Eilertsen - double bass, Audun Kleive - drums"
