Drone Records
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IRR.APP.(EXT.) - BLUE SABBATH BLACK CHEER - Discordant Convergence

Format: CD
Label & Cat.Number: Phage Tapes PT:197
Release Year: 2013
Note: four intense collaborative pieces (53+ min in total) by MATT WALDRON and the doomy noise duo (STAN REED [BROKEN PENIS ORCHESTRA, etc.) and WM.RAGE) named BSBC (plus guests), the right mixture of dark brooding atmospheres and eerie, ominous noises, alien organics seem to populate the space, penetrated by surprising cut ups and irruptions of the absurd... "special thanks to weeping children anywhere"...
Price (incl. 19% VAT): €10.00

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This is the third installment in a series of collaborations from these long running noise projects, with the previous releases being on Gnarled Forest and Errata in Exclesis. Discordant Convergence is made up of four tracks totaling just over 53 minutes of dark, brooding atmospheric noise.