Drone Records
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CHEERLEADER 69 & .CUT - Nagatsuki

Format: mCD-R
Label & Cat.Number: Taalem alm 111
Release Year: 2017
Note: a new French ambient Industrial connection to explore, one long track of fabulous guitar & bass drones and noises enriched with field recordings from Tokyo and Osaka, very powerful, levitating, feedbacking...
Price (incl. 19% VAT): €5.00

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collaboration between two french musicians usually active in other musical genres (cheerleader 69 is the ambient/cinematic project of the french cyberpunk punish yourself band singer while .cut is usually more in a post-rock vein). "nagatsuki" is a wonderful ambient/industrial track based upon field recordings done in japan with added bass & guitar drones...
completed 5 years ago, this track was supposed to be released on a split-tape (but the planned label sadly folded) then was presumably lost until albérick found it on a long forgotten hard disk!

released February 18, 2017

field recording by VX in tokyo (asakusa, akihabara, ueno, shinjuku, goldengai) & osaka, september 2010.
sound manipulations & editing by albérick, september 2010.
guitar drones recorded live (guitar: brouff & VX, bass: akira), september 2011.
mixed & mastered by VX, february 2012.
photography by albérick
