Drone Records
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I:WOUND - Traumpfad (a Travelogue in three Acts)

Format: LP
Label & Cat.Number: Monstrum Humanum MH 2 / Wound 8
Release Year: 1993
Note: coincinding with the re-activation of this German experimental project here's a new "handmade" edition of this almost 25 year old LP about a journey to India and Tibet: original field recordings and noises merge with electronic/concrete sounds, confusing lyrical impressions of the beauty and the ugly, the myths and the mystery, as a whole a surrealistic sound-experiment and document... spec. ed. lim. 50 with new cover, the original booklet and incense stick
Price (incl. 19% VAT): €17.00

More Info

"Interessantes Debut-LP-Werk über eine Reise nach Tibet & Indien. Originalgeräusche mischen sich mit elektronisch-Konkretem, verwirrende lyrische Eindrücke vom Schönen & vom Häßlichen, ein surreal anmutendes Klangexperiment insgesamt...viele Inserts.. " [original description from Drone Records 1993]