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RHEIN_STROM (SIEFERT & RIEK) - Von der Rheinquelle bis Hafen Karlsruhe

Format: CD
Label & Cat.Number: Gruenrekorder GRUEN 163 / field recording series
Release Year: 2016
Note: "the soundscape and the 'sound entity' of the Rhine" - 21 tracks with recordings of the Rhine River from the very spring in Switzerland to the port in Karlsruhe (Germany), made at various loacations and barrages, not only recording the water ambience but also animals and human activity; captured by LASSE-MARC RIEK (one of the Gruenrekorder runners) and THOMAS M. SIEFERT (photographs in the nice extensive booklet that comes with the CD); 73+ min playtime
Price (incl. 19% VAT): €13.00

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How can we as humans in this day and age foster a relationship with the Rhine River, without lapsing back into modes of romanticism, when witnessing its remaining beauty in some rare places; without turning away in frustration and disillusionment, when confronted with the irreparable interventions it has undergone?
What is disclosed if we shift the focus from the dominant sense of vision to hearing?
Would you recognize the Rhine by its sound?
What other senses are helpful here?
Do I have enough senses at my command to answer this question?
Do I have to and can I develop further senses?

With these questions as a starting point Thomas M. Siefert and Lasse-Marc Riek have approached the Rhine acoustically and visually on various locations and seasons during the last seven years. This resulted in the close examination of the ambient sound, the soundscape and the “sound entity” of the Rhine.

The “Rhine-soundscape” does not only sound like flowing, gurgling or slowly bobbing water. The soundscape also includes animals and humans who live by the river, who move and rest there.

In addition to the sound of the present, also the sound of the past was sought out: a listening back to what has remained; a listening forward to what could come.

Siefert’s and Riek’s formal approach to the soundscapes demands from the artist to step back behind the recording. In the foreground of their artistic practice stands the unprocessed sound- and visual-recording of a specific situation.


01 vorderrheinquelle (region)
02 rhein bei tschamut
03 rheinschlucht nähe versamer tobel
04 kanalrhein bei balzers
05 rheinbrech bodensee
06 stein am rhein
07 rheinfall bei schaffhausen
08 basel hafen (nähe wiesemündung)
09 petit camarque d´alsace
10 staustufe ottmarsheim
11 restrhein bei fessenheim
12 staustufe und schleusenanlage fessenheim
13 staustufe marckolsheim
14 ile de rhinau
15 staustufe rhinau
16 fähre kappel – rhinau
17 kanufahrt im naturschutzgebiet taubergiessen
18 ile de langgrund
19 staustufe strasbourg
20 staustufe gambsheim
21 karlsruhe hafen
21 Tracks (73′25″)
CD (500 copies)
