Drone Records
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Format: CD
Label & Cat.Number: Unfathomless U33
Release Year: 2016
Note: collaboration with special concept: only sounds from media devices "that are no longer available" like VHS, Beta, Floppy discs, zip drives, etc. have been used, thus creating an imaginable place that doesn't really exist ... an array of strange "broken sounds" and contact noises fullk of scratching, cracking, wheezing, frizzling, sometimes the original material shines through, with bizarre effect... great "music" from completely unmusical sources, from the cemetery of our mass media society! lim. 200
Price (incl. 19% VAT): €14.00

More Info

With the obsolescence of storing and reproducing media devices, a lot of information becomes unavailable and inaccessible but does it mean it has ceased to exist as information? What happens with a film whose last copy is in Beta tape when it can no longer be reproduced?

On the second semester of 2014 Bruno Duplant and David Vélez started to dialogue about this subject and decided to compose a piece that points out to these questions presenting them as the construction of a place. We usually figure out that a place and the objects in it produce the sounds that we listen in there but in sound composition for the listener, the sounds build a place and the things inside it, a place that he inhabits with his imagination.

The two artists selected to work with sounds stored in media that is no longer available like VHS, Beta, floppy discs, zip drives, laser disc..etc… media that is becoming less and less accessible and that at one point could be unable to reproduce.

Duplant and Vélez were expecting that these sounds could build a place that were eerie and bleak, not really pleasant and where the listener could probably feel vigilant and uncomfortable as if in presence of something that he won’t perceive but that is actually there.

(Lina Velandia, August 2015)
