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GOBEIL, GILLES - La Mécanique des Ruptures

Format: CD
Label & Cat.Number: Empreintes DIGITALes IMED 9421
Release Year: 1994
Note: very first GOBEIL CD with a collection of works spanning from 1985-1993, with the price-winner "Le Vertige Inconnu" ; back in stock !
Price (incl. 19% VAT): €14.00

More Info

"Le vertige inconnu (The Mysterious Vertigo) was produced in 1993 at the studios of the Groupe de musique expérimentale de Bourges (GMEB, France). It premiered in June 1993 at the 23rd Bourges International Electroacoustic Music Festival (France). Le vertige inconnu received the 1994 Stockholm Electronic Arts Award (Sweden) and was selected for the 1994 World Music Days (Stockholm, Sweden) and the 1994 International Computer Music Conference (ICMC’94) in Danmark. The piece was commissioned by the GMEB, with the assistance of the Canada Council [for the Arts].[v-94] Since, Le vertige inconnu was awarded the prize of international competition Stockholm Electronic Arts Award (Sweden, 1994) and the 2nd prize of the international competition Prix Ars Electronica (Linz, Austria, 1995)." [label info]
