Drone Records
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MARY X - An Industrial Tribute to Eraserhead

Format: CD-R
Label & Cat.Number: Gradual Hate / GH Records H.T.M.02 CD
Release Year: 2013
Note: "Karkowski is the Fetus" - anonymous artist with a very bleak 'industrial drone' soundtrack dedicated to DAVID LYNCHs masterpiece; to discover!
Price (incl. 19% VAT): €8.50

More Info

"Reminiscent of the eighties era of cassettes, the Mail Art, the industry's most insane music, noise and field recordings abrupt more rugged. His first work was published in RIR. And their aesthetic obsessions are confusion, anger, marginal world, and all the contradictions of this society bastard. His greatest influences are Whitehouse, Karkowski, Crass, Merzbow, Geometric Splendor and the personal universe of David Lynch..." [label info]
