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M.B. (MAURIZIO BIANCHI) - Symphony for a Genocide

Format: LP
Label & Cat.Number: Rotorelief ROTOR0044
Release Year: 2015
Note: re-issue of the one of the most famous "industrial" albums of the musical history (original released by Sterile Rec. in 1981): 'The past punishment is the inevitable blindness of the present' ; lim. 500 on battle green & black vinyl, numbered.. BACK IN STOCK, last copies!
Price (incl. 19% VAT): €25.00

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Death camps were established through the process of deshumanized engineering, to destroy the will of the individual, and to create industrialisation of death. The modern parallel is to override the individual human choice through mass-media that established the city of death, in which marketing has become synonymous with mass destruction. A pathetic symphony for both is inevitable.

To prevent physical destruction of the inner sound, I accomplished the noisy dignity of an electronic apparatus with the aim of prosecuting the masses minds that massacre and organize new deshumanization.

SYMPHONY FOR A GENOCIDE is a pseudo-symphonic legislation that make no compromises with the modern musical de-evolution.

Maurizio Bianchi" [label info]


" Symphony for a Genocide, die allererste LP (nach diversen Tapes) von MB, dürfte die wohl mit am bekanntenste frühe "Industrial"-Veröffentlichung dieses Projekts sein, erschien im Original 1981 auf Sterile Records in einer Auflage von nur 227 Kopien. Die Stücke sind nach Konzentrations- und Vernichtungslagern benannt und waren für damalige Verhältnisse auch wegen des klanglichen Materials schockierend. Quälend analoger Synthesizer-Lärm mit den so typischen Brumm-, Quietsch & Sirenen-Sounds, simple Rhythmusboxen laufen im Hintergrund mit, alles rauh und low-fi und abrupt endend.. bevor ein neues Stück Agonie beginnt." [old Drone Rec. info to the CD re-issue on Hospital Prd.]

"Some of the most abject and brilliantly bleak dronemusic ever, now reissued on "battle green and black" vinyl via Rotorelief, in a limited numbered edition of 500.
Symphony For A Genocide wasn't the first recording by this Italian Industrialist, as he did have some earlier productions as Sacher-Pelz and the infamous Leibstandarte SS MB albums (on which Whitehouse's William Bennett dubbed various Nazi speeches on top of Bianchi's music without Bianchi's permission). Bianchi's work does come out of a transgressive mindset; but one that is uniformly misanthropic, nihilistic, and utterly black. On this album, MB constructs brutal, hallucinatory blasts of electronic noise and grinding rhythms of hand-cut tape noise and overblown synthetic distortion. These bleak chilling drones are reminiscent of Conrad Schnitzler at his most neurotic, Nurse With Wound at their most droning, and Whitehouse at their least annoying. MB's very prolific career in the early '80s with more than a dozen records was cut short in 1984 at which time he declared himself a Jehovah's Witness and ceased making music until more recently when he finally returned to the blackened ambience of old.
It should also be noted that the recordings of Symphony For A Genocide are drastically different from another set of recordings called SFAG (Symphony For A Genocide), which has also gotten the reissue treatment twice, adding extra confusion into the mix." [Aquarius Records]