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SONDE - En Ondes

Format: CD
Label & Cat.Number: Oral CD 16
Release Year: 2007
Note: archive recordings made 1980-1986 by this legendary Montreal-based experimental collective (with ROBIN MINARD, etc.) => field recordings & object noises, sounds from sound-sculptures, contemplative-concrete improvisations..
Price (incl. 19% VAT): €15.00

More Info

Weitere Aufnahmen der Montrealer Performance / SoundArt-Gruppe, diese stammen aus dem Archiv von 1980-1988, viele field recordings und Objekt-Noises, Klänge von Sound-Sculptures, meditativ-konkrete Improvisationen...

"This CD is the second release ever of Sonde, the previous one being Sonde en concert edited in 1978 by Music Gallery Editions. This CD is thus quite important, bringing to light part of the group's archives. Optimized with today's sound tools, all these recordings deal with waves of different kinds, sound waves of course but also organic and brain waves. The live concert recordings of these pieces, with the exception of L'acier bien trempé (électronique), were broadcast by CBC-Montreal approximately in 1984 at the request of the producer Gilles Poirier, hence another of the meanings of the expression 'en ondes'. 'Sonde is a group of Montreal electroacoustic composers and performers. Their compositions were generally conceived for live performance on original sound sculptures. Through meditative improvisation, the group's aim was to produce new music with sounds revealed by electroacoustic amplification and transformation. Very active from 1976 to 1986, the members of the group included Andrew Culver, Charles de Mestral, Pierre Dostie, Chris Howard, Robin Minard, Michael O'Neill and Linda Pavelka. Since the beginning, Keith Daniel provided Sonde's technical support.'" [Charles de Mestral]