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LA NOMENKLATUR - Le Triomphe de la Volonte

Format: CD
Label & Cat.Number: Les Nouvelles Propagandes NP 014
Release Year: 1992
Note: POWER & POETRY! French Industrial band (one of the members is also in MINAMATA) which is nowaways active again, with early album for 1992; "included all the emotions of a movie like drama, tears, violence, fear, and decision"...
Price (incl. 19% VAT): €8.00

More Info

"This was the ultimate composing in the 86-92 period. The martial side, and above all, the title of the project might not be interpreted like an adherence to the nazi propaganda as we can see it in the Leni Riefenstahl movie. Passion for cinema was greater than anything else. This project included all the emotions of a movie like drama, tears, violence, fear, and decision. Some tracks were in keeping with the life of the composer, and specially his romantic violences... a turning point in his life... like Leni Riefenstahl understood it later when the story of the cinema agreed with her, but not the History of mankind.
It was also the project of the renunciation because La NomenKlatur have seen a great deal of life like Minamata before it. The second part of the musical expression closed up. Silence was here for a long time.
Today, there is a true desire to retrieve the NomenKlaTurian accents because the history of our world in trouble gives some real elements for the new musical power of that band.... war, aggreed in the broad sense of the word, the one that Artaud use to define act of creation, would be the concrete expression of a wonderful horrible musical sense." [label info]