Drone Records
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BABYLONE CHAOS - Noises from the Attic

Format: mCD-R
Label & Cat.Number: Taalem alm95
Release Year: 2013
Note: main project of French artist JULIEN CORNU-KUOCH, who also works under other names; organic sounds (wood crunching) and hissy drones develop into a complex / massive soundscape ...excellent dark walls of drone, to discover !
Price (incl. 19% VAT): €5.00

More Info

"seven years ago, we released a "réactions mécaniques", a 3" by botchan korisen, one of the many aliases julien cornu-kuoch uses (used?). over the years, his main project babylone chaos evolved from more electronic sounds and rhythms to more complex structures and organic sounds.

babylone chaos recently released a collaborative disc with contagious orgasm ("altered beasts" on steelkraft manufactory) and it seems like babylone chaos could be now compared to the japanese artist.
"noises from the attic" is an oppressive 17 minute track, a frightening and dense mass of sounds." [label info]


"Also Babylone Chaos is a new name, but behind it is Julien Cornu-Kuoch, of whom Taalem released a couple of years ago 'Reactions Mecaniques' under the name Botchan Korisen - which is something I can't find no evidence off in back-issues - but now sees a change of modus operandi. The sampler seems is dusted and microphones stuck in the attic, basement or outside and sampled together into a dense piece of sample mania. Cornu-Kuoch is working these days with Japanese artists Contagious Orgasm, which is something that also shows in his solo music. There is an ambient quality about this too, but it's very much unlike say Tone Color. Where's Tone Color is light, airy, and up in the sky, Babylone Chaos is dark, brooding and mysterious. More the soundtrack of a fine horror movie about zombies and life after a nuclear holocaust, ending with a fine industrial grinding of said (sad?) zombies. Very dark and very moody indeed. Quite unlike for Taalem, I was thinking." [FdW/Vital Weekly]