Drone Records
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HATI - Wild Temple

Format: CD
Label & Cat.Number: Monotype Records mono062
Release Year: 2013
Note: HATI collaboration with SLAWOMIR CIESIELSKI (percussionist of legendary Polish band REPUBLIKA) - quite powerful improvisations with a strong harmonic 'Gamelan' influence, moving into ecstatic fields... recorded in abandoned military buildings from 19th century in Torun, Poland
Price (incl. 19% VAT): €13.00

More Info

"New studio album recorded by Rafal Iwanski and Rafal Kolacki with special guest Slawomir Ciesielski - great percussionist and drummer of legendary Polish rock band Republika (in 80. Republika was one of the most original European bands - thanks to their specific antimainstream rock & roll songs, with new wave-inspired music and lyrics). HATI forms a link between a personal interest in modern improvised and acoustic music with ritual and meditation. They worked together in 2010 on several tracks presented on the album and finally all material was recorded in big military objects in Torun from XIX century called Fort I. After the recording session the trio played one concert in Centre of Contemporary Art in Torun. " [label info]
