Drone Records
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Format: CD
Label & Cat.Number: Gruenrekorder GR110
Release Year: 2012
Note: for ULTREALITH field recordings from the "border of perception" were used, such as underwater recordings, ultrasounds, electromagnetic signals (from crustaceans, bats, dolphins, insects, etc..) => a very own & unique micro-soundworld, comparable with works of MICHAEL PRIME, FRANCISCO LOPEZ or JOHN HUDAK; almost 80 minutes of material (8 tracks)
Price (incl. 19% VAT): €14.00

More Info

" 'Ultrealith' is an electro-acoustic sound-adventure exploring sounds that exist on the periphery of human perception, such as underwater recordings (such as fish-songs, crustaceans etc), ultrasounds (sonar of bats and dolphins, insects), electromagnetic signals and other textures. These recordings were sourced in the Amazonian rainforest, Africa, Canadian Newfoundland, northern Australia and in various parts of Europe." [label info]

"Now a CD by Slawek Kwi's Artificial Memory Trace you can always stick on as a piece of music. Build from field recordings but always 'treated' in some way. If I understand correctly, this new CD's main work are the five parts of the title piece, lasting forty-four minutes. Its bookended with two pieces before that and one after that, making a total of almost eighty minutes. The title piece was originally a four channel composition, mixed down to stereo. Lots of field recordings and as is usual with releases by Artificial Memory Trace, its all detailed on the cover. Kwi uses elements from the world of minimal music, with repetition on a lot of small sounds, with small variations leaping in every now and then. Its some excellent music, with a great sense of collage and fine timing, transporting the listener to different places - a holiday feeling almost. Yet there are also two odd balls in this collection, both of them called 'Monochrome'. The first one is a short two minute with sixty-four tracks of Cage's voice - very apt in time for his anniversary. The second one is a musical piece recorded in a psychiatric unit in Dublin of endless strumming and mumbling voices. Not exactly, I'd say, something we should expect from Slawek Kwi, and perhaps a bit of too much of an odd ball perhaps. Maybe Kwi should consider a CD of the real odd balls in his musical output, providing of course he has more of such works." [FdW/Vital Weekly]