Drone Records
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Format: do-CD
Label & Cat.Number: Licht-Ung
Release Year: 2012
Note: benefit sampler project that was planned immediately after the Tsunami-catastrophe in Japan; 36 artists have taken part, for example: EMIL BEAULIEAU, MICHAEL BARTHEL, YUI ONODERA, PRURIENT, FRANS DE WAARD, DAVE PHILLIPS, ANLA COURTIS, SUDDEN INFANT, CHRISTIAN DERGARABEDIAN, HER NAME IS CALLA, THE HATERS, RUDOLV EB.ER, etc. etc.. 5 Euro from every sold copy goes to the Red Cross and to the "heart on coin-kizuna" project in Japan
Price (incl. 19% VAT): €17.00

More Info

"Wir haben beschlossen, eine Benefiets CD fuer Japan herauszugeben, und dazu viele Freunde und Kuenstler eingeladen.
Von jeder CD gehen fuenf Euro an das Rote Kreuz und sowie an "heart on coin - kizuna" - ein Projekt fuer Grundschulen in der vom Tsunami besonders betroffenen Praefektur Miyagi. Ueber deren Hoehe werden wir hier informieren. Wir suchen noch Distribuierungsmoeglichkeiten und freuen uns ueber fleissige Werber.
Vielen Dank.

Beitraege von:
(((10)))/japan/south korea
action beat/UK
alice hui-sheng chang/taiwan/australia
and so i watch you from afar/ireland
anla courtis/argentina
astronoise/south korea
christian dergarabedian/argentina/spain
dave phillips/switzerland
emil beaulieau/US
eyes like mirrors/south africa
frans de waard + freiband/netherlands
guts pie earshot/germany
her name is calla/UK
ishida naoki/japan
kim ki o/turkey
limited express/japan
manku kapak/germany
michael barthel/germany
rudolf eb.er/switzerland/japan
sudden infant/switzerland/germany
takuji naka/japan
the haters/US
tomokawa kazuki/japan
us kids know/south africa
victor gama/angola/portugal
we set sail/south africa (auf der CD falsch verzeichnet!)
yan jun/china
yui ondera/japan
zoul/germany" [label info]


"Apart from what seems to be a typo on the cover, I have nothing to complain about this double CD compilation. Its over two and half hours of music of an alternative kind. Alternative rock, noise, laptop's, punk, improvised music all cut with a great variety together that makes you like listen to a fine alternative radio station. And the best thing is that five euro goes to the Red Cross, for their work at Fukushima nuclear power plant, as recommended by Japanese friends of the label. Nuf said. Get this and hear music by (((10))), action beat, alice hui-sheng chang, and so i watch you from afar, anla courtis, astronoise, christian dergarabedian, dave phillips, emil beaulieau, eyes like mirrors, frans de waard, freiband, guts pie earshot, her name is calla, ishida naoki, killer, kim ki o, limited express, luzpara­s, manku kapak, michael barthel, noia, prurient, rudolf eb.er, sudden infant, takuji naka, the haters, tomokawa kazuki, upcdownc, up-tight, us kids know, victor gama, we set sail, yan jun, yui ondera and zoul. Yes, I copied that from the website, while listening to this compilation. Lots of bands you should know, lots of news names, from such unlikely (well) corners as Peru, Angola, South Africa, China and Ireland. So, if you are 'fan' enough to collect all compilations with say The Haters, or, if you a curious to hear a bunch of strange musics, or if you want to support a good cause in return for a small gift, then don't look further and spend your money here." [FdW/Vital Weekly]