Drone Records
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MENCHE, DANIEL - Blood of the Land

Format: mCD
Label & Cat.Number: Ferns Recordings ferns_rhizome_08
Release Year: 2010
Note: "pure sonic nature" ! Fantastic new one-tracker based on multiple layered STORM-recordings! 20+ minutes; lim. 500, typical FERNS design
Price (incl. 19% VAT): €7.00

More Info

" "Blood of the Land" brings Daniel Menche back to the field recording territory by utilizing storm recordings. Throughout 2009-2010 there were several storms that occurred around Daniel Menche's house. Wind storms, snow storms, ice storms, rain storms etc etc etc were recorded and captured and then mixed and densely layered all within the notorious "House of Menche". Which is covered by thick trees and mass bamboo. Just like a garden of sound, Daniel Menche hand picks the sounds of storms hitting his house and trees as recorders were place all around outside of his house in the middle of these stormy nights. "Blood of the Land" is a calm and intense composition of these storms that builds to a overwhelming state of pure sonic nature. Daniel Menche has presented the drama of these storms in all their bloody glory." [label info]


"And what about Daniel Menche? He continues as ever. In 'Blood Of The Land' he doesn't use any soil recordings, which you may expect with such a title, but 'storm recordings recorded throughout 2009-2010 all around Oregon, USA', which mixed together into a twenty minute piece of heavily processed field recordings. I might be mistaken, but when I played this earlier today, in the morning, I thought I could feel a cold breeze in my house. I must have been imagining this, but for a short moment (well, actually a bit longer) I thought I could actually feel the music breezing through my house. Which I guess is the best when it comes to having an audio illusion. This piece could have been a bit longer for my taste - although I never like biking through a heavy storm, the sound is always nice to hear." [FdW / Vital Weekly]