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THE GHOST ORCHID - An Introduction to EVP

Format: CD
Label & Cat.Number: Ash International PARC CD1 v.3
Release Year: 1999
Note: available again, this much wanted release presenting lots of strange "ghostvoices", moderated by LEIF ELGGREN
Price (incl. 19% VAT): €15.00

More Info

Hochinteressante CD zum Thema "Electronic Voice Phenomenon" (EVP), das sind auf magnetischen Tonträgern aufngenommene "Geisterstimmen" für die es keine gesicherte Erklärung gibt. Auf der CD werden eine Fülle von EVPs vorgestellt und erklärt (moderiert von LEIF ELGGREN und die Arbeit des EVP-Erforschers RAYMOND CASS wird vorgestellt. Die Aufnahmen sind z.T. bis zu 35 Jahre alt. Handelt es sich um Stimmen von Verstorbenen? Oder Botschaften von Aliens? Oder um ganz normale Radiostimmen, die über noch unbekannte Mechanismen übertragen werden? Im Booklet werden dazu die verschiedensten Theorien diskutiert und weitere erstaunliche Details erläutert. Für jeden an übersinnlichen / paranormalen Phänomenen Interessierten eine faszinierende Anschaffung!

"This is the third edition of this much sought-after CD... and has been unavailable since 2002... [originally issued in 1999]. The ParaPsychic Acoustic Research Cooperative [PARC], in association with Ash International, is proud to present the first ever fully comprehensive investigation into the paranormal phenomenon of EVP, otherwise known as Electronic Voice Phenomenon. Without doubt EVP falls into the catagory of the paranormal alongside other unexplained mysteries such as ufology, life after death & poltergeist activity. The listener is guided through a collection of strange and mysterious voices that have appeared without explanation onto the tapes of EVP researchers. Included with the CD is a 24 page booklet containing commissioned articles which cover the conflicting views surrounding the EVP. Actual voice samples are reproduced here for the first time on compact disc: Polyglot Voices, Public Service Broadcasting, Interruptions across the airwaves, Singing Voices, Instant Response Voices, and the extraordinary Alien Voices. The CD also includes a commentary by the artist Leif Elggren (in English), and recordings of the work of Raymond Cass, England's leading EVP researcher, and original member of the Fortean Group, and the Latvian EVP researcher, Dr. Konstantin Raudive. This CD release seeks to present the evidence; are the voices extraterrestrial, paranormal evidence of our telepathic powers or an elaborate hoax perpetrated by sinister and powerful groups to mislead us from their true aims...?" [label info]
