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LA CASA, ERIC & JEAN-LUC GUIONNET - Inscape. Lille-Flandres

Format: CD
Label & Cat.Number: Monotype Records mono 019
Release Year: 2008
Note: site-specific sound compositions based on the INSCAPE-concept
Price (incl. 19% VAT): €13.00

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"Es ist möglich mit ALLEN Orten Musik zu machen" - getreu nach diesem Motto und ihrer Faszination für die einmalige Perspektive die jeder Ort bietet, arbeitet das französische Duo beim INSCAPE-Projekt die spezifischen Klänge eines Platzes, Areals oder Gebäudes heraus. Bei diesen Aufnahmen vom AUDIOFRAMES-Festival in Lille (Oktober 2004) wurden an bestimmten Punkten des Auftrittsortes (ein altes Postgebäude) akustische Informationen eingesammelt und kunstvoll in "real time" zusammengeführt. So verbinden sich Aussengeräusche (Straße, Eisenbahn, Bahnhofslautsprecher, etc) mit denen im Innern des Gebäudes, Regen, und so weiter, zu einer einmaligen Komposition.
Wer urbane Field Recordings mag, sollte bei INSCAPE unbedingt ein Ohr riskieren!

Since 2003, their Inscape project, based on site-specific listening installations, has resulted in concerts from the United States to Australia via France. The project has been expanded in recent times to include installations in art galleries presented in conjunction with the ephemeral work of video-artist Yvan Clédat. Since, in our collaborations, we have worked principally on the notion of 'background noise', defined at once as that which designates a specific place (each place, each point defined by the uniqueness of its background noise, its own distribution of sounds, frequencies, textures etc.) and as that which remains when the sonic ensemble which dominates our attention (that which might ordinarily be said to 'interest' us) has been removed from the mass of sounds we hear, our projects are based on the idea that an analogy structures the relations between site, sound and reception, or hearing, of those sounds: sounds come at us, flood our ears in 360¡, defining as they do so a centre - which is none other that of the listening body. However, that centre remains a postulate, defined as it is from outside to in, from sound's invisible horizon. Instinctively, we define a site as such (or are unable to define it otherwise): as a spatial totality, centred on a point, moving or otherwise, inhabited or not.' 'Inscape-Lille-FLandres' was presented in Lille (Northern France) as part of the 2004 Audioframes Festival (October 2004)." [label info]

"Much more information, in English, can be found on the release by Inscape, the duo of Eric LaCasa and Jean-Luc Guionnet. As Inscape they deal with 'site-specific listening installations', 'principally on the notion of 'background noise'. The review of their CD can never really deal with all the implications of their project (otherwise I'd be retyping the entire booklet), but they more or less scan the environment where a project is by means of audio and video, which are used in a live concert or an installation piece. 'Lille-Flanders' was made in 2004 at a disused postal sorting office, now a cultural space and a list of sounds is in the booklet. Best is to sit back and let the music just roll about. Cars passing, trains, water meter, the rain falling, incidental music from the nearby train station etc. Its all there. Other than LaCasa's solo work, this is more a collage like approach on sounds, with a bit more rapid mixing than in his solo work. It makes a small, but significant difference and it makes a beautiful piece of music. A very fine and solid work of field recordings." [FdW / Vital Weekly]
