Drone Records
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JUPITTER-LARSEN, GX - Big Time Crash Bang 2008

Format: LP
Label & Cat.Number: RRRecords RRR-001
Release Year: 2008
Note: composed entirely of car crashes, ed. of 500 (GX = THE HATERS)
Price (incl. 19% VAT): €15.50

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Passend zur Wirtschaftskrise & Abwrackprämie erschien Anfang 2009 dieses Album von "THE HATERS" G.X. JUPITTER-LARSEN, das komplett aus Sounds von Autounfällen / Crashes komponiert wurde. Das repetitive Gekrache bildet allmählich flirrende Obertöne aus, und erzeugt eine seltsam kathartische Hypnose...

Composed entirely of car crashes - tires squeeling, glass shattering, metal crunching, a total wreck. 500 copies - full color printed cover. 'My best LP yet!!!' (GX)
[label info]

"The next time someone makes that old joke about noise sounding like a car crash can offer this LP as proof: its nothing but the sound of car crashes, all mangled up as only GX can do it -- tires squealing, glass shattering, metal crunching, wrecked, totalled -- SCREEEEEEEEEEEEE SMASH CRASH SCREEEEEEECH SMASH SMASH CRASH -- quite possibly the perfect noise album. GX says its his best LP to date. Im inclined to agree -- wear your seatbelt. 500 copies." [Fusetron]
