Drone Records
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Format: do-CD
Label & Cat.Number: Pogus Productions 21036-2
Release Year: 2005
Note: comp. based on LARRY POLANSKY's "Four Voice Canons" (from the 70's), w. KYOKO KOBAYASHI, SIMON WICKHAM-SMITH, PHILIP CORNER, MIKE WINTER, GEORGE ZELENC, etc etc.. lots of surprising interpretations to discover !
Price (incl. 19% VAT): €16.00

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Compilation mit Stücken die sich alle auf die Kompositionsideen von LARRY POLANSKY beziehen, kuratiert von SIMON WICKHAM-SMITH. Einiges witziges und verstörendes (z.B. das Schrei-Stück von RUVIARO), einiges belangloses (MIKE SWNICHLSKI), einiges erstklassig (MIKE WINTER), einiges eher nervtötend (WICKHAM-SMITH), schöne sirr-drones (STEVEN M MILLER), handgespielt schönes (GEORGE ZELENZ), etc. etc., ein Riesenspektrum von Interpretationen von meist unbekannteren US-Komponisten gibt es hier zu entdecken....

"Okay. Really cool, kind of fun, double cd compilation based on a work of Larry Polansky's. Pieces are constructed from the sounds of cats, screams, MIDI instruments, computer, Barbie Phone, samples, wooden flutes, piano, bass clarinet, Ringtones, Metro Cards, contrabass, and more. I have some of my favorites - which keep changing each time I listen to the discs. Perhaps you will too. Read on too get a "real" description from the curator of this project. [label info]
"The pieces on this CD are all based on the ideas in Larry Polansky's four voice canons, a series of pieces he began in 1975. These canons are usually "mensuration canons," which means that the tempi of successive voices is proportional to their start times, so that the voices end together. They also use simple ideas of moving through a list of permutations, and applying the elements of those permutations to various musical parameters. A set of Polansky's canons was produced on Cold Blue Records as four voice canons (CB0011).
Polansky described these ideas in Four Voice Canon #13 ("DIY Canon"), a kind of open-source meta-canon score. He distributed this at talks and on the web as an open invitation to others who wanted to make four voice canons of their own. Composers responded with a wide variety of variations on the basic idea; a selection of these works is presented here." [Simon Wickham-Smith, curator]