Drone Records
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TRANSITIONAL - Nothing Real Nothing Absent

Format: CD
Label & Cat.Number: Conspiracy Records core062
Release Year: 2007
Note: great new project of DAVE COCHRANE (ex HEAD OF DAVID, etc.) & KEVIN LASKA (NOVATRON), produced by JUSTIN BROADRICK (JESU, etc.). digipack
Price (incl. 19% VAT): €13.00

More Info

Erinnert sich noch jemand an die begnadeten HEAD OF DAVID? Das lief damals unter "britischem Noise-Rock", war aber weitaus abgründiger und experimenteller als viele andere Bands mit derselben Stilrichtung aus dieser Zeit, von der Innovationskraft & rabenschwarzen Radikalität ehesten vielleicht noch mit der New Yorker Band LIVE SKULL vergleichbar. DAVE COCHRANE gehörte zur Urbesetzung von HEAD OF DAVID, war später bei GOD, SWEET TOOTH und JESU, und brilliert nun in diesem neuen Duo TRANSITIONAL, das irgendwo zwischen JESU-Rock und elektronischen Power-Trance & Drone angesiedelt ist, mitreissend wie hier rohe Kraft in betörende Bahnen gelenkt wird....trancige Beats, Weite, rauhe Sounds wie Wellen & Wind...

"Transitional is the new project of musician producer Kevin Laska (Novatron) and long time Justin K Broadrick and Kevin Martin collaborator Dave Cochrane (Jesu, Grey Machine,). The debut 'Nothing real Nothing Absent' offers a rich variety in their approach to sound combining crushing atmospheres through a mixture of electronic ambience, mangling bass lines and distorted epic layers of textured guitar. Injected with driving rhythms and effected vocal phrasing Laska and Cochrane build discordant worlds on an immense scale which pull you down to another level of fear and ethereal bliss before kicking off with some more soul dismantling sonic dysfunction.
This is a band which can deliver both sonic tranquility and extremely heavy slabs of dense music and just about everything in between; Heavy electronic machinery, juggernaut bass lines and hypnotic guitars go from passive relaxation to an unstoppable machine within a single surge. Kevin Laska's woven creations of bleak electronic/organic mesmerizing mayhem and bliss has found a new level. Now joined by legendary bassist Dave Cochrane who played with the likes of Kevin Martin in God, Ice and The Bug and Justin Broadrick in Jesu and Head of David. Born September 2006 Laska's found himself in another quality up with Cochrane, following his last collaboration with a.o. Russel Smith and Anthony Difranco (Ramleh, ex Skullflower) as Novatron. Transitional; a solid, textured and dynamic sonic journey through a world that is both self deprecating and enlightening, but either way leaves you wanting more." [label info]
