Drone Records
Your cart (7 items)

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Album Format Label & Cat. Number Year Price (incl. 19% VAT) Quantity   Subtotal  
HUDAK, JOHN - Sotto Voce CD-R CON-V CNVR 06 2005 €8.00 €8.00  
HATI - 23 IX : Prehistory of HATI Vol. 2 CD-R Eter etcdr07 2007 €9.00 €9.00  
VILLENA, CARLOS - Els Humans Tambe Som Carn CD-R Mantricum Records mantricum 025 2012 €10.00 €10.00  
V.A. (VARIOUS ARTISTS) (COMPILATIONS) - Et si c'etait le vent qui avait raison LP Ferns Recordings - frond_12 2024 €24.00 €24.00  
VIGROUX, FRANCK - Totem CD Aesthetical AES001 2019 €13.00 €13.00  
HUNTING LODGE - Nomad Souls - Tribal Warning Shot - The Harvest (Expanded & Remastered) 3 x LP set Winter Hill Rec. / 4th Dim. / SM Operations 2024 €50.00 €50.00  
V.A. (VARIOUS ARTISTS) (COMPILATIONS) - Terässinfonia Vol. 6 CD Freak Animal Records FA-CD-151 2023 €12.00 €12.00  
Recalculate  if you’ve changed a quantity Total:   €126.00

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